RIDGEFIELD — London Bruns’ parents don’t know exactly how to say what they want to say, but they mean to keep talking. Talking to the media, fellow parents, school groups, friends, strangers — anyone who will listen to their concerns about depression, suicide and the upcoming winter.
“If it could happen to our daughter — the kid who had everything — it could happen to anyone,” said Heather Wendling.
She and her husband, John Bruns, figure they’ll never understand why their artistic, athletic, cheerful and popular 13-year-old daughter, a student at View Ridge Middle School, died by suicide in late September. They saw no hint of trouble other than some disrupted sleep in recent months. London’s death remains an unanswered question and a baffling shock, they said.
“There are no words to describe it. Even if you get an answer, it’ll never be good enough,” John Bruns said.